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Wednesday 21 July 2010

Gustave Cariot

After World War I Gustave Cariot remained in Germany. He spent most of his time at Georgenborn (today named Schlangenbad-Georgenborn) near Wiesbaden, married for the 2nd time with Frieda, a peasant's daugther from Georgenborn. During the automn- and winter-seasons he often changed to France.
Beginning at the end of the 19th century (except World War I and II) he continuously exposed his works at the "Salon des Indépendants" and/or the "Salon d'automne" and/or the "Salon d'Hiver" at Paris; since 1904(?) he was a member of the "Société Nationale des Beaux Arts".
Sometimes his name is written in the web as "Gustave Camille Gaston Cariot".
The first name "Camille" is not proven. His death announcement shows the name "Gaston-Gustave Cariot" (see Doc0 in the following link).

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